Our Voice Physio Kristina answers the most commonly asked questions about Vocal physiotherapy.
What is Voice physio?
Vocal Physiotherapy is a specialized therapy which treats the structures of the body we use to produce sound. This includes a hands-on approach to treatment of the soft tissue and cartilaginous structures of the larynx and the surrounding region, to produce efficient vibration of the vocal folds, and improve voice.
How does voice physio work?
The larynx is suspended by muscles. Like any muscle in the body, repetitive or poor use can cause pain, fatigue and tension. Factors such as posture, vocal workload and breath support can result in muscle tension leading to restriction of the vocal mechanism. Symptoms such as a loss of range, breathy vocal tone and vocal fatigue can occur as a result. Manual therapy for the voice aims to identify and treat any areas of restriction and address the reasons behind them.
Who is Voice Physio for?
Voice Physiotherapy is for anyone who uses their voice a lot or has vocal quality issues. These may include:
· Increased effort with speaking/singing (vocal fatigue)
· “Tongue root tension” in singing
· Regular loss of voice
· Poor vocal quality (breathy, quiet, raw or horse sound)
· High load of voice use
· Dysphonia’s (Including Muscle Tension Dysphonia)
People with increased vocal load may include singers and performers, teachers, lawyers, receptionists, lecturers and radio announcers. This group often present for a “vocal tune up” to maintain their laryngeal mobility and tissue health
What can voice physio help me with?
In a vocal physiotherapy appointment, your assessment and treatment will be tailored according to your specific vocal demands and goals.
Assessment and treatment may include the following areas:
· Muscle tension and flexibility around the larynx, neck and tongue
· soft pallet and tongue and jaw
· Sound quality
· Posture (head, neck, lumbopelvic)
· Neck, shoulder blade, ribcage and back movement
· Breathing patterns (deep abdominal musculature)
Still not sure if Voice Physio could help you? Get in touch with our physiotherapist today and watch the video below